Cena de segundo plano do jogo

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the server work?

Our server follows the classic model, with balanced and nostalgic experience.

What commands are available in the game?

Standard commands:
- /who – Number of online players
- /whereis [monster] – Monster location
- /whodrops [item] – Monsters that drop the item

Special commands:
- @commands – List of commands
- @go [city] – Teleport to city
- @autoloot – Automatic item pickup
- @autotrade – Keeps store open while offline
- @buff – Basic buffs
- @points – Displays accumulated points
- @coin – Checks coin balance
- @duel – Starts a duel
- @accept – Accepts a duel
- @reject – Rejects a duel
- @leave – Leaves a duel

Exclusive VIP commands:
- @viproom – Teleport to VIP Room
- @alootid [item ID] – Specific item pickup
- @alootidsave [item ID] – Saves items for autoloot
- @aloottype [type] – Defines item type for pickup
- @stats – Detailed statistics

What are the daily events?

Events grant exclusive coins.
- Bomb Poring – Survive the explosions
- Crazy Race – Challenges and traps
- Devil Square – Increasing enemy waves
- Zombie Escape – Survive against zombies
- Weapon Master (PvP) – Only one winner

Does the game have a Battle Pass?

Yes, there will be a Battle Pass on the server.

How to participate in the Closed Beta?

Join the server’s Discord. Invitations will be distributed during the testing period.

When is the official launch?

Scheduled for the first half of 2025, with no exact date yet.

How does item refinement work?

Ores are 100% farmable. The Blacksmith follows the classic model, with a +10 refinement limit. Enriched ores are available.

Does the server have protection against hacks and bots?

Yes, there is protection against gathering bots and monster-killing bots.

Is there an easier way to level up?

No. Progress follows the classic model, with no extra conveniences. There are events to assist in the journey.

Are there Divine Items?

No. Divine items unbalance the game, and without WoE, they cannot be created.

What is the maximum allowed refinement on the server?

The maximum allowed refinement is +10, following the classic model.

Are there customized items, like Green Megingjord?

No. The server aims to preserve nostalgia without customized items.

Are there quests for classic items?

Yes, there will be an NPC that exchanges items for quests to obtain classic equipment.

How can I contact support?

For more questions, contact support or the community on Discord.